Ram Gopal Varma Blog #210. My Reactions to Reactions

1. Everybody wants money and power, but how come only a few achieve this?

Ans: Dumbo if everybody achieved money and power then money and power won’t have any value.

2. Which is the strongest emotion of all in a human being?

Ans: Jealousy.

3. Is out of box promotion and an innovative marketing campaign as much vital as a good story?

Ans: These days they are more vital than a good story atleast in the context of box office success because a good story you get to know only after you get into the theater whereas a campaign is intended to pull you in into the theater. As the window of the release is so short due to the dependence on the weekend box office you can afford to make a bad film but you cannot afford to make a bad campaign.

4. Roark is a symbol. How can you corrupt a symbol by mixing it with the opposites?

Ans: Only when you mix with the opposites can you see the true colours.

5. The RC background song seems to be more horror oriented.

Ans: In a way RC is a horror film. The horror of Violence.

Incidentally Jaani you are bang on, on your assumption of where that song will come in the film.

6. Why did Ayn Rand not practice her philosophy and get into irritants like marrying Frank and then having an affair with Nathaniel and then going through a mental agony.

Ans: Her agony is what made her philosophize.

7. Is it essential to have lyrics when the score itself is conveying an emotion?

Ans: Not necessary unless it’s contextual.

8. Are you as good as a repartee in real life like in your reactions to reactions?

Ans: I am worse.

9. Why is it that dreams are like stars which make you feel that you can grab them whereas in reality you cant?

Ans: Prakash, Dreams are and should be trigger points for you to wanting to make them into a reality.

10. How do you get ideas like a boy putting a coin on a rail track in ‘Kshana Kshanam’ and a beggar eating on a newspaper in ‘Satya’

Ans: They are not ideas they are more of a standard procedure I practice to create an atmospheric reality for the scene/situation.

11. Ayn Rand and her objective have zero value for me.

Ans: Okay Mr. Zero, you are welcome to wallow in millions of other zeroes like you.

12. Is ‘Sarkar Raj’ background copied from Rami Reddy’s background from ‘Gaayam’?

Ans: Both are copied from “Damien: Omen II” main title track.

13. What is creativity according to you?

Ans: To creatively uncreate a creative idea so that it will uncreate the creative aspect of the non-creative aspect of creativity.

14. How can you say that it’s the film which decides the maker? ‘Company’ is a fine example of how it is the Director who makes a film as there was not much of a story to ‘Company’.

Ans: It’s not the story by itself what I meant. It’s about the triggering of the emotion which the certain subject matter of the story can generate.

15. You are not a person to be taken even 1% lightly and at the same time not 99% seriously.

Ans: Ha Ha actually you should take the 99% lightness of mine with one hundred percent seriousness.

16. What is the difference between feeling and thoughts?

Ans: We control thoughts and feelings control us.

17. You have created Satyendra as God and you became his God man. If you don’t believe in God why Satyendra?

And: Hello, I don’t know what a thing called God is, whereas I know who and what Satyendra is! I am expected to pray to God without knowing what he will/ will not do for me whereas with Satyendra I pray to him for what he has already given me.

18. Movies like ‘Rann’, ‘Agyaat’ are good projects but it looks like you kind of hurry through them or is it because you get bored and just want to go to the next project?

Ans: I both hurry and get bored and want to just go to the next project and I did the same during ‘Satya’ and ‘Company’ and ‘Sarkar’ also.

19. What is the funda behind people bashing up a film when it flops?

Ans: A film flopping is like someone dying. They only difference is that at a man’s funeral they sympathise with him and at a films funeral they will tear it apart.

20. Why have we never seen a photo of Frederick Nietzsche or Ayn Rand in any of your films?

Ans: Because I don’t like to dirty their images.

21. My father makes me feel inferior.

Ans: Either he is superiorly inferior to you or you are inferiorly superior to him.

22. Expectations are relationship killers.

Ans: Relationships are expectation raisers.

23. You are showing too much attention to Twitter and ignoring the blog. Come back to momma Ramu.

Ans: I will Maria baby. This blog is my wife and I just have some quick affairs on the Twitter.