1.. If you want to become a philosopher you just need to have common sense.
Ans: Well, there’s nothing common about common sense.
2. Why don’t you mention the name of who you are answering to?
Ans: That’s because I am answering to the question and not to the person, unless I feel otherwise in a certain context. This is my way of saying to all that this is my view on the said topic that someone here raised.
3. What is the difference between copying and inspiration?
Ans: Copying is taking it as it is and inspiration is getting something else out of it.
4. How long do you take to reply to a question?
Ans: Immediate.
5. If you go deep into your philosophy what will happen?
Ans: If you go deep into anything it will always give you great pleasure.
6. Which one do you like between Name, Fame and Money?
Ans: Name is an identity of yours for others to call you, and Fame is how many more others recognize your name, and Money is mainly to show off to others.
Since I don’t care about others I don’t care about all three.
7. I don’t think any philosophy is required if you are happy with your life.
Ans: Yes, you are absolutely right. A philosopher is a person who does not cry over spilled milk but consoles himself over the fact that 80% of it is water. On the other hand he does not need to even think if he has enough money to buy the milk again. So my conclusion is that more than happiness you need power to do away with philosophy. But then real power especially in a modern democratic world comes only through a philosophical understanding of prevailing situations. To be happy you need to be in control. To be in control you need to have power. To gain power you need a specific philosophy. So on second thoughts I think you are absolutely wrong.
8. What is Ayn Rand’s philosophy in sentence?
Ans: “I live only for my sake and I will never ever ask anyone else to live for my sake”.
(My additional philosophy to this line is – “But make every one live for your sake by conning them into not realizing that”.)
9. You “My reactions to reactions” is a combination of both modesty and arrogance which you call honesty.
Ans: I am too proud to be modest, too confident to be arrogant and too realistic to be honest.
10. Whenever I feel devastated I read your blog.
Ans: The fact that you used the word ‘whenever’ in the construction of your sentence tells me that you continue to get devastated even after reading my blog which means that you are not really reading my blog.
11. Can you suggest me two books of Ayn Rand?
Ans: Read “Fountainhead” twice.
12. I wish you could write a book on Charlie Chaplin?
Ans: I was never into the movies of the times when they were shot with hand cranking camera. I think Chaplin became a star because at that time cameras used to run at 18 f.p.s. and his body language suited that. He would have never become a star in a 24 f.p.s. film.
13. When are you making a direct Telugu film again?
Abs: I am starting Rakta Charitra on 10th October in Hyderabad.
14. You are the only successful maker who makes unsuccessful films.
Ans: No, I am an unsuccessful maker who is perceived by successful people (read Producers) that I have the potential to be successful. That’s a far better position to be in than being in the place of people who think they have the potential to be successful but the successful people who should open the gates for them keep them locked. So both the successful people and the people who think they have the potential to be successful live in their own closed worlds while an open minded con guy like me creates an objective reality out of their perceived dreams.
Ahhhhhhh! I love myself man!
15. Do you consider your blog a hit or a flop?
Ans: Hit for who like it and flop for who don’t and a super hit for me because I love to hear the sound of my thoughts battering the brains of you various thinkers and non-thinkers.
16. I think you are tooooooooooo romantic.
Ans: I am blushing.
17. Believe it or not but you complete me.
Ans: Neither can anyone complete anybody nor should one be wanting to be completed. To constantly want to fill yourself up with the light of knowledge to drive the darkness of your ignorance away should be your one and only aim. There can never be a situation where any light can completely fill the darkness as every beam of light will always surely bring a new set of shadows with it.
“Ahhhh that I were dark and nightly,
How I would suck at the breasts of light” – Friedrich Nietzsche
18. Why is this crazy desire for being No.1 in everything we do?
Ans: That one craze is what I think is single handedly responsible for the unimaginably tremendous growth in human progress.
Constantly wanting to outdo the other is what created the technological world that we now live in.
Of course that want could range from something as stupid as one wanting to be first one to comment on this blog to someone else wanting to be the first one to invent the airplane. There could be limitations in ranges and thought process but the want is and should be there.
19. Goodness is useless if you are selfish. Deep down you want us to think you are good in a way. It’s a game you are good at. Now I only want to smile at guys like you. You are brilliant. When will you really gain wisdom? When will you stop running?
Ans: Forget me. I think even Nietzsche will get a brain hemorrhage trying to understand what you are trying to say.
Jokes apart I think I kind of maybe got your point.
20. What is the difference between conscious, subconscious and intoxicated mind?
Ans: When you tell a girl that you love her that could be coming from your conscious mind but the subconscious mind of yours could just be wanting to have sex with her and not go through the headaches that come with love. So the intoxicated mind can be used to tell her “I want to have sex with you” and this you should say with a lot of love in your eyes. Then she will think that you want sex because of love and you can have sex without the love coming and sitting on your conscious head.
21. Why are you against marriage?
Ans: Wisdom.
Having said that I am against any kind of committed relationships because relationships create expectations and expectations create frustrations.
22. Why do you love women so much? Is it only because of the sexual factor?
Ans: No. It’s because they are so very good at Math.
23. “That which does not kill you makes you stronger”- Friedrich Nietzsche.
AAns: I used that line in the opening of “Ab Tak Chappan” which I copied from the opening of “Conan the Barbarian”.
Ans: Well, there’s nothing common about common sense.
2. Why don’t you mention the name of who you are answering to?
Ans: That’s because I am answering to the question and not to the person, unless I feel otherwise in a certain context. This is my way of saying to all that this is my view on the said topic that someone here raised.
3. What is the difference between copying and inspiration?
Ans: Copying is taking it as it is and inspiration is getting something else out of it.
4. How long do you take to reply to a question?
Ans: Immediate.
5. If you go deep into your philosophy what will happen?
Ans: If you go deep into anything it will always give you great pleasure.
6. Which one do you like between Name, Fame and Money?
Ans: Name is an identity of yours for others to call you, and Fame is how many more others recognize your name, and Money is mainly to show off to others.
Since I don’t care about others I don’t care about all three.
7. I don’t think any philosophy is required if you are happy with your life.
Ans: Yes, you are absolutely right. A philosopher is a person who does not cry over spilled milk but consoles himself over the fact that 80% of it is water. On the other hand he does not need to even think if he has enough money to buy the milk again. So my conclusion is that more than happiness you need power to do away with philosophy. But then real power especially in a modern democratic world comes only through a philosophical understanding of prevailing situations. To be happy you need to be in control. To be in control you need to have power. To gain power you need a specific philosophy. So on second thoughts I think you are absolutely wrong.
8. What is Ayn Rand’s philosophy in sentence?
Ans: “I live only for my sake and I will never ever ask anyone else to live for my sake”.
(My additional philosophy to this line is – “But make every one live for your sake by conning them into not realizing that”.)
9. You “My reactions to reactions” is a combination of both modesty and arrogance which you call honesty.
Ans: I am too proud to be modest, too confident to be arrogant and too realistic to be honest.
10. Whenever I feel devastated I read your blog.
Ans: The fact that you used the word ‘whenever’ in the construction of your sentence tells me that you continue to get devastated even after reading my blog which means that you are not really reading my blog.
11. Can you suggest me two books of Ayn Rand?
Ans: Read “Fountainhead” twice.
12. I wish you could write a book on Charlie Chaplin?
Ans: I was never into the movies of the times when they were shot with hand cranking camera. I think Chaplin became a star because at that time cameras used to run at 18 f.p.s. and his body language suited that. He would have never become a star in a 24 f.p.s. film.
13. When are you making a direct Telugu film again?
Abs: I am starting Rakta Charitra on 10th October in Hyderabad.
14. You are the only successful maker who makes unsuccessful films.
Ans: No, I am an unsuccessful maker who is perceived by successful people (read Producers) that I have the potential to be successful. That’s a far better position to be in than being in the place of people who think they have the potential to be successful but the successful people who should open the gates for them keep them locked. So both the successful people and the people who think they have the potential to be successful live in their own closed worlds while an open minded con guy like me creates an objective reality out of their perceived dreams.
Ahhhhhhh! I love myself man!
15. Do you consider your blog a hit or a flop?
Ans: Hit for who like it and flop for who don’t and a super hit for me because I love to hear the sound of my thoughts battering the brains of you various thinkers and non-thinkers.
16. I think you are tooooooooooo romantic.
Ans: I am blushing.
17. Believe it or not but you complete me.
Ans: Neither can anyone complete anybody nor should one be wanting to be completed. To constantly want to fill yourself up with the light of knowledge to drive the darkness of your ignorance away should be your one and only aim. There can never be a situation where any light can completely fill the darkness as every beam of light will always surely bring a new set of shadows with it.
“Ahhhh that I were dark and nightly,
How I would suck at the breasts of light” – Friedrich Nietzsche
18. Why is this crazy desire for being No.1 in everything we do?
Ans: That one craze is what I think is single handedly responsible for the unimaginably tremendous growth in human progress.
Constantly wanting to outdo the other is what created the technological world that we now live in.
Of course that want could range from something as stupid as one wanting to be first one to comment on this blog to someone else wanting to be the first one to invent the airplane. There could be limitations in ranges and thought process but the want is and should be there.
19. Goodness is useless if you are selfish. Deep down you want us to think you are good in a way. It’s a game you are good at. Now I only want to smile at guys like you. You are brilliant. When will you really gain wisdom? When will you stop running?
Ans: Forget me. I think even Nietzsche will get a brain hemorrhage trying to understand what you are trying to say.
Jokes apart I think I kind of maybe got your point.
20. What is the difference between conscious, subconscious and intoxicated mind?
Ans: When you tell a girl that you love her that could be coming from your conscious mind but the subconscious mind of yours could just be wanting to have sex with her and not go through the headaches that come with love. So the intoxicated mind can be used to tell her “I want to have sex with you” and this you should say with a lot of love in your eyes. Then she will think that you want sex because of love and you can have sex without the love coming and sitting on your conscious head.
21. Why are you against marriage?
Ans: Wisdom.
Having said that I am against any kind of committed relationships because relationships create expectations and expectations create frustrations.
22. Why do you love women so much? Is it only because of the sexual factor?
Ans: No. It’s because they are so very good at Math.
23. “That which does not kill you makes you stronger”- Friedrich Nietzsche.
AAns: I used that line in the opening of “Ab Tak Chappan” which I copied from the opening of “Conan the Barbarian”.