1. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing – Socrates.
Ans: Yes. And when you truly realize that you know nothing there truly can be a high possibility of you knowing everything.
2. What caused you to become antisocial?
Ans: I am antisocial in theory and not in practice. A theoretical understanding of the negative effects of society in general helped me to make use of the same society for my own personal physical, emotional and intellectual gains so that I could have the cake and eat it too.
3. What if you were born a woman?
Ans: Ahhhhh! I hate the idea because I love women too much. I would rather peek at a woman through a key hole than looking at myself in the mirror.
4. I think you are spoiling your life with your thoughts and ideas.
Ans: Okey dokey baby, I guess it’s only so little much that your small little mind can understand.
5. This is my last visit to your blog.
Ans: Cheers.
6. Bras are an invention and not a discovery.
Ans: Well, I have no problem if you concentrate on the technical and terminological aspects of a bra and leave what’s behind them to me.
7. When you say ‘No’ do you mean it.
Ans: In reality I don’t mean anything ever except for that immediate moment when I say it. By the way I love this line from Godfather when the don tells Michael Corleone… “When you say No, it should sound like a Yes”.
8. How would you define attitude?
Ans: It’s about having a specific personal point of view towards everything.
9. Why are so many people attracted towards films?
Ans: I think it’s because of a combination of wanting to be famous and an instinctive attraction towards art. Film by itself might not be an art form but it’s an amalgamation of all kinds of arts.
10. What is the difference between intelligence and brilliance?
Ans: Intelligence is the potential to be brilliant and brilliance is the outcome of being intelligent.
11. Where exactly were those pics of you practicing Martial arts taken?
Ans: On the terrace of a room in Kamayyathopu where I used to stay in Vijayawada while doing my engineering.
12. I have checked all along Ameerpet Road but couldn’t find where your video library used to be?
Ans: It’s next to Adlabs Multiplex. Opposite Chalasani Diagnostic Centre and Kumar Shirts. Presently it’s called Swiss Castle. Rajdoot Sweet House is adjacent to it.
13. If Bruce Lee was a theorem, I guess Jackie Chan was a corollary.
Ans: Hmmm! I didn’t get what you meant but I don’t like Jackie Chan at all as he does not have even one percent of the intensity of Bruce Lee.Incidentally in the fight sequence I posted of “Enter the Dragon”. The guy whose neck Bruce Lee breaks is Jackie Chan. At that time he was just one of the stunt men in the group.
14. In Kung Fu it is not the body which matters but the velocity of ones hands into a certain focus.
Ans: All that is hogwash, Vaishak. The truth of a fighting art is eventually a lot to do with the physical mechanics rather than a spiritual preparation.
A professional fighter when asked if Bruce Lee was really the greatest fighter ever he answered. “Let me tell you this way. If Bruce Lee punched or kicked a heavy weight boxer the boxer won’t even feel it as a 60 kg guy throwing a punch cannot do damage to a body which is conditioned to take a punch coming from a 120 kg guy. Even if it might appear so in a film there won’t be that much of difference in a punching speed of a Muhammed Ali and Bruce Lee but the punch from a heavy weight boxer can break Bruce Lee’s skull.
Also Bruce Lee never ever took part in professional bout with a renowned fighter. There was a tournament in the mid-80’s where they tested the different fighting styles to prove once for all which is the greatest and free style wrestling won over boxing and karate.
15. Howard Roark is just an image who a woman called Ayn Rand dreamed of.
Ans: I am glad she dreamed as just by cheaply copying her image of Roark I managed to have a lots of dreamy women in my life. Ahhhhhhh!
16. I agree with Ayn Rand in many points and disagree with her on many more points.
Ans: And I disagree with all your points.
17. Who is Nathaniel Branden who writes stupid essays in Ayn Rand’s collection of essays?
Ans: That’s a very interesting and little known fact of Ayn Rand’s life.
Nathaniel was a student of her philosophy. When she was some 54 and him 27, she fell deeply in love with him and their subsequent break-up caused her to write in many of her novels published after that in the opening page, “Nathaniel Branden is no longer associated with me, my philosophy and objectivism”.
Read about this in “The Passion of Ayn Rand” written by Nathaniel’s wife Barbara Brenden.
18. 1.Of many a proud struture’s ruin weeds and raindrops have been the cause” – Nietzsche.
2. When did a dragon ever die of a serpents poison” – Nietzsche.
Aren’t the above two lines contradictory?
Ans: My dear Jaani bhai! That is because life itself is a contradiction and these again are Nietzsche’s words.
Anything and everything in life can be looked at in 2 opposite ways when you are taking a decision.
And after the outcome of the decision you can again look at it in 2 opposite ways to learn or unlearn. I think you will be better off taking a ride in your Auto than getting into such headache giving philosophical exercises.
19. Your blogs are the next best thing to orgasm.
Ans: The next time you have sex you should try reading my blogs to her. She will either leave you or latch on to you, and depending on the current state of your attachment to her, either of them could be good or bad for you.
If you promise not to tell any of the women I have been involved with let me tell you this secret that I always used philosophy as my main weapon to both turn on and turn off women.
20. I don’t think there can be a similar guy like you.
Ans: If you look deep enough within you there will be neither a similar guy like you either. The problem is that the majority of the people view themselves through others and hence become one of the herd.
21. The makers of Nagarjuna’s son’s “Josh” tried to emulate “SHIVA” but did not understand what you did in “SHIVA”.
Ans: What’s the big deal when I myself did not understand it and the proof of that is my “SHIVA 2006”.
22. I need to become a director. My passion is killing me.
Ans: It is cheaper and better for your passion to kill you, than it to kill your distributors and a whole lot of your poor audience.
Sorry, sorry, that’s what someone said to me about my films and I couldn’t resist taking my revenge on you.
23. Is this blog about movies or stupid philosophies?
Ans: Neither. It’s about I, Me, Myself and for whoever is interested in they themselves and definitely not for you and like-minded morons like you who expect others to do their things for you and your like-minded moron mates.
24. I think, the day we completely understand what you are saying we will stop visiting your blog.
Ans: That’s a fantastic realization. By being vague and not being too clear and constantly contradicting yourself is the best way to create a state of non-understanding in people. The secret is to make them understand just that much so as to make them feel ‘if I stick for some more time I might understand’. This is the trick Nietzsche played upon me and hence inspite of me not being able to read even one third of “Thus Spake Zarathustra” in the last 25 years and not understanding even one tenth of what I read, I still keep trying to read it. So now I am playing the same trick on you guys what Nietzsche has been playing with me since all these years.
Ans: Yes. And when you truly realize that you know nothing there truly can be a high possibility of you knowing everything.
2. What caused you to become antisocial?
Ans: I am antisocial in theory and not in practice. A theoretical understanding of the negative effects of society in general helped me to make use of the same society for my own personal physical, emotional and intellectual gains so that I could have the cake and eat it too.
3. What if you were born a woman?
Ans: Ahhhhh! I hate the idea because I love women too much. I would rather peek at a woman through a key hole than looking at myself in the mirror.
4. I think you are spoiling your life with your thoughts and ideas.
Ans: Okey dokey baby, I guess it’s only so little much that your small little mind can understand.
5. This is my last visit to your blog.
Ans: Cheers.
6. Bras are an invention and not a discovery.
Ans: Well, I have no problem if you concentrate on the technical and terminological aspects of a bra and leave what’s behind them to me.
7. When you say ‘No’ do you mean it.
Ans: In reality I don’t mean anything ever except for that immediate moment when I say it. By the way I love this line from Godfather when the don tells Michael Corleone… “When you say No, it should sound like a Yes”.
8. How would you define attitude?
Ans: It’s about having a specific personal point of view towards everything.
9. Why are so many people attracted towards films?
Ans: I think it’s because of a combination of wanting to be famous and an instinctive attraction towards art. Film by itself might not be an art form but it’s an amalgamation of all kinds of arts.
10. What is the difference between intelligence and brilliance?
Ans: Intelligence is the potential to be brilliant and brilliance is the outcome of being intelligent.
11. Where exactly were those pics of you practicing Martial arts taken?
Ans: On the terrace of a room in Kamayyathopu where I used to stay in Vijayawada while doing my engineering.
12. I have checked all along Ameerpet Road but couldn’t find where your video library used to be?
Ans: It’s next to Adlabs Multiplex. Opposite Chalasani Diagnostic Centre and Kumar Shirts. Presently it’s called Swiss Castle. Rajdoot Sweet House is adjacent to it.
13. If Bruce Lee was a theorem, I guess Jackie Chan was a corollary.
Ans: Hmmm! I didn’t get what you meant but I don’t like Jackie Chan at all as he does not have even one percent of the intensity of Bruce Lee.Incidentally in the fight sequence I posted of “Enter the Dragon”. The guy whose neck Bruce Lee breaks is Jackie Chan. At that time he was just one of the stunt men in the group.
14. In Kung Fu it is not the body which matters but the velocity of ones hands into a certain focus.
Ans: All that is hogwash, Vaishak. The truth of a fighting art is eventually a lot to do with the physical mechanics rather than a spiritual preparation.
A professional fighter when asked if Bruce Lee was really the greatest fighter ever he answered. “Let me tell you this way. If Bruce Lee punched or kicked a heavy weight boxer the boxer won’t even feel it as a 60 kg guy throwing a punch cannot do damage to a body which is conditioned to take a punch coming from a 120 kg guy. Even if it might appear so in a film there won’t be that much of difference in a punching speed of a Muhammed Ali and Bruce Lee but the punch from a heavy weight boxer can break Bruce Lee’s skull.
Also Bruce Lee never ever took part in professional bout with a renowned fighter. There was a tournament in the mid-80’s where they tested the different fighting styles to prove once for all which is the greatest and free style wrestling won over boxing and karate.
15. Howard Roark is just an image who a woman called Ayn Rand dreamed of.
Ans: I am glad she dreamed as just by cheaply copying her image of Roark I managed to have a lots of dreamy women in my life. Ahhhhhhh!
16. I agree with Ayn Rand in many points and disagree with her on many more points.
Ans: And I disagree with all your points.
17. Who is Nathaniel Branden who writes stupid essays in Ayn Rand’s collection of essays?
Ans: That’s a very interesting and little known fact of Ayn Rand’s life.
Nathaniel was a student of her philosophy. When she was some 54 and him 27, she fell deeply in love with him and their subsequent break-up caused her to write in many of her novels published after that in the opening page, “Nathaniel Branden is no longer associated with me, my philosophy and objectivism”.
Read about this in “The Passion of Ayn Rand” written by Nathaniel’s wife Barbara Brenden.
18. 1.Of many a proud struture’s ruin weeds and raindrops have been the cause” – Nietzsche.
2. When did a dragon ever die of a serpents poison” – Nietzsche.
Aren’t the above two lines contradictory?
Ans: My dear Jaani bhai! That is because life itself is a contradiction and these again are Nietzsche’s words.
Anything and everything in life can be looked at in 2 opposite ways when you are taking a decision.
And after the outcome of the decision you can again look at it in 2 opposite ways to learn or unlearn. I think you will be better off taking a ride in your Auto than getting into such headache giving philosophical exercises.
19. Your blogs are the next best thing to orgasm.
Ans: The next time you have sex you should try reading my blogs to her. She will either leave you or latch on to you, and depending on the current state of your attachment to her, either of them could be good or bad for you.
If you promise not to tell any of the women I have been involved with let me tell you this secret that I always used philosophy as my main weapon to both turn on and turn off women.
20. I don’t think there can be a similar guy like you.
Ans: If you look deep enough within you there will be neither a similar guy like you either. The problem is that the majority of the people view themselves through others and hence become one of the herd.
21. The makers of Nagarjuna’s son’s “Josh” tried to emulate “SHIVA” but did not understand what you did in “SHIVA”.
Ans: What’s the big deal when I myself did not understand it and the proof of that is my “SHIVA 2006”.
22. I need to become a director. My passion is killing me.
Ans: It is cheaper and better for your passion to kill you, than it to kill your distributors and a whole lot of your poor audience.
Sorry, sorry, that’s what someone said to me about my films and I couldn’t resist taking my revenge on you.
23. Is this blog about movies or stupid philosophies?
Ans: Neither. It’s about I, Me, Myself and for whoever is interested in they themselves and definitely not for you and like-minded morons like you who expect others to do their things for you and your like-minded moron mates.
24. I think, the day we completely understand what you are saying we will stop visiting your blog.
Ans: That’s a fantastic realization. By being vague and not being too clear and constantly contradicting yourself is the best way to create a state of non-understanding in people. The secret is to make them understand just that much so as to make them feel ‘if I stick for some more time I might understand’. This is the trick Nietzsche played upon me and hence inspite of me not being able to read even one third of “Thus Spake Zarathustra” in the last 25 years and not understanding even one tenth of what I read, I still keep trying to read it. So now I am playing the same trick on you guys what Nietzsche has been playing with me since all these years.