1.. Did you meet anyone like Jiah in your life?
Ans: Jiah… She is exactly like that in real life.
2. Would you have become like this if you did not meet Satyendra or read Nietzsche, Ayn Rand and Mad magazine?
Ans: Only because I am like this I could understand them. Otherwise they were all there for everybody and anybody who could understand them.
3. With the absence of people in your life, aren’t you miserable most of the time?
Ans: I never said that I don’t have people in my life. People come into my life only by my invitation and are sent out when I have had enough of them. I said I don’t have people in my life on the basis of commitments and relationships as then they will sit on my head and I am very particular about keeping my head free of emotional burdens.
4. In how many days was Nishabd shot?
Ans: 19.
5. Why should mostly only filmstars sons be launched?
Ans: For the same reasons that industrialist’s sons inherit their father’s empires. Now stop blaming star sons and blame your own father for not being a film star. Also think about if you were a filmstar’s son if you would launch someone else with your father’s money.
6. Do you think mother’s love is over-rated?
Ans: First of all I have a problem with generalizing on any kind of love. Secondly I think love for children primarily comes out of it being easier to practice. It’s lot of hard work to love an adult because of the adult’s personality traits and various baggages’s he or she brings in but children and dogs will be pretty much happy with just a pat or a hug or a biscuit.
7. You are just like any other people except that you have bigger balls to bring out the basic instincts that lurk inside all of us.
Ans: It is the understanding and respect I have for those basic instincts which causes that.
8. I think I am living far better than you as you make movies and suffer reviews and pain and I just sit and watch.
Ans: Kudos to the corpse like life you have chosen. Please remind me to celebrate your death day.
9. Why are all dead people good?
Ans: Because they no longer pose a threat or a competition to the living ones.
10. Hi Ramu, I am your big fan… why do you use bad words?
Ans: There’s no such thing as a bad or good word. Any word is used only to capture a feeling or a thought. Now get off the blog and go to sleep in your momma’s lap.
11. All theories and isms put together I realized that “There is no best way”.
Ans: This is what I meant when I quoted Nietzsche “You say you seek me but did you find yourself? The day you truly find yourself, you wouldn’t need to seek me”.
12. Ramuism is a derivative of which ism?
Ans: All isms and no ism.
13. How do you differentiate between Right and Wrong?
Ans: What I do is Right and what others do is Wrong.
14. What are your moral values?
Ans: Nay!
15. Are you interested in social causes?
Ans: Nope.
16. Shouldn’t you intend to give something back to society?
Ans: I only take.
17. Do you think everyone hates you because they love you?
Ans: No. They hate me because of the fact I don’t care about them loving me.
18. I pity your understanding of God.
Ans: Arrey Bhagwan! Allah! Jesus and whichever God Jains and others pray to! Please just open your ears which are obviously clogged with dumbness and listen. That article was about specific believers of God in a specific context and not about God.
19. For sure there is no God. Otherwise how can a pretentious, fake and arrogant jerk like you become successful?
Ans: That’s exactly the point I was trying to make Sir. But great men like you instead of hating God for making me successful hate me for being successful. So let wisdom dawn upon and you give up on God and become a pretentious, fake and arrogant jerk like me.
20. Are you trying to become a cult figure?
Ans: Cult figures don’t become. They are made by the people who believe in them. Considering the intelligence levels of the people I interact with both on my blog and outside at most I can hope to be just one single man’s cult figure. That man being obviously me.
21. God always likes good people. That’s why he takes them away to heaven.
Ans: Ya sure, and he gives fantastic life to all the bad people here on earth. It’s incredible that everyone is dying to go to heaven and no one really wonders what exactly could be there in heaven for them except for Rambha, Urvashi, Tillottama etc and some drink called Amrutham. That’s because even God could not create a better incentive than sex and alcohol. I am presuming that Amrutham is some form of alcohol because no one would be dying to go to heaven to drink some form of sugarcane juice.
As per me, purely going by the sketches and drawings of Rambha, Urvashi, Tillottama in books, and drawings they are not my types and am neither into their bharatnatyam and kuchipudi type dances. So I would rather stick to the women of earthly types with a Smirnoff vodka instead of experimenting with Amrutham brand and lean back and enjoy my bollywood dances.
22. What caused you not to believe in God?
Ans: Intelligence.
Ans: Jiah… She is exactly like that in real life.
2. Would you have become like this if you did not meet Satyendra or read Nietzsche, Ayn Rand and Mad magazine?
Ans: Only because I am like this I could understand them. Otherwise they were all there for everybody and anybody who could understand them.
3. With the absence of people in your life, aren’t you miserable most of the time?
Ans: I never said that I don’t have people in my life. People come into my life only by my invitation and are sent out when I have had enough of them. I said I don’t have people in my life on the basis of commitments and relationships as then they will sit on my head and I am very particular about keeping my head free of emotional burdens.
4. In how many days was Nishabd shot?
Ans: 19.
5. Why should mostly only filmstars sons be launched?
Ans: For the same reasons that industrialist’s sons inherit their father’s empires. Now stop blaming star sons and blame your own father for not being a film star. Also think about if you were a filmstar’s son if you would launch someone else with your father’s money.
6. Do you think mother’s love is over-rated?
Ans: First of all I have a problem with generalizing on any kind of love. Secondly I think love for children primarily comes out of it being easier to practice. It’s lot of hard work to love an adult because of the adult’s personality traits and various baggages’s he or she brings in but children and dogs will be pretty much happy with just a pat or a hug or a biscuit.
7. You are just like any other people except that you have bigger balls to bring out the basic instincts that lurk inside all of us.
Ans: It is the understanding and respect I have for those basic instincts which causes that.
8. I think I am living far better than you as you make movies and suffer reviews and pain and I just sit and watch.
Ans: Kudos to the corpse like life you have chosen. Please remind me to celebrate your death day.
9. Why are all dead people good?
Ans: Because they no longer pose a threat or a competition to the living ones.
10. Hi Ramu, I am your big fan… why do you use bad words?
Ans: There’s no such thing as a bad or good word. Any word is used only to capture a feeling or a thought. Now get off the blog and go to sleep in your momma’s lap.
11. All theories and isms put together I realized that “There is no best way”.
Ans: This is what I meant when I quoted Nietzsche “You say you seek me but did you find yourself? The day you truly find yourself, you wouldn’t need to seek me”.
12. Ramuism is a derivative of which ism?
Ans: All isms and no ism.
13. How do you differentiate between Right and Wrong?
Ans: What I do is Right and what others do is Wrong.
14. What are your moral values?
Ans: Nay!
15. Are you interested in social causes?
Ans: Nope.
16. Shouldn’t you intend to give something back to society?
Ans: I only take.
17. Do you think everyone hates you because they love you?
Ans: No. They hate me because of the fact I don’t care about them loving me.
18. I pity your understanding of God.
Ans: Arrey Bhagwan! Allah! Jesus and whichever God Jains and others pray to! Please just open your ears which are obviously clogged with dumbness and listen. That article was about specific believers of God in a specific context and not about God.
19. For sure there is no God. Otherwise how can a pretentious, fake and arrogant jerk like you become successful?
Ans: That’s exactly the point I was trying to make Sir. But great men like you instead of hating God for making me successful hate me for being successful. So let wisdom dawn upon and you give up on God and become a pretentious, fake and arrogant jerk like me.
20. Are you trying to become a cult figure?
Ans: Cult figures don’t become. They are made by the people who believe in them. Considering the intelligence levels of the people I interact with both on my blog and outside at most I can hope to be just one single man’s cult figure. That man being obviously me.
21. God always likes good people. That’s why he takes them away to heaven.
Ans: Ya sure, and he gives fantastic life to all the bad people here on earth. It’s incredible that everyone is dying to go to heaven and no one really wonders what exactly could be there in heaven for them except for Rambha, Urvashi, Tillottama etc and some drink called Amrutham. That’s because even God could not create a better incentive than sex and alcohol. I am presuming that Amrutham is some form of alcohol because no one would be dying to go to heaven to drink some form of sugarcane juice.
As per me, purely going by the sketches and drawings of Rambha, Urvashi, Tillottama in books, and drawings they are not my types and am neither into their bharatnatyam and kuchipudi type dances. So I would rather stick to the women of earthly types with a Smirnoff vodka instead of experimenting with Amrutham brand and lean back and enjoy my bollywood dances.
22. What caused you not to believe in God?
Ans: Intelligence.