1.Obama’s picture of him looking at a woman’s butt was manipulated and why did you project Bush as a villain?
Ans: Arrey Bhagwan! The point of that article was not about Obama’s character or America’s politics both of which I am completely ignorant of. It was about how the media can take us on a ride and how we also want to go for a ride.
2. Even if one person changes/deprogrammes himself because of this blog it would be worth it.
Ans: Once I asked Satyendra why libraries waste so much money buying so many loads of books which nobody reads. He gave me the same answer saying, “even if one person in decades reads one of those ‘nobody reads’ books and makes something out of it, it is still worthy enough for lesser people like us to contribute towards that person’s output.
3. Why do you think there is no brilliance in Indian cinema?
Ans: Just pick up any what you think to be a great Indian film and compare it to its source.
4. I like it that you live life only on your terms. Keep walking.
Ans: I prefer running.
5. I am affected with Howard Roark but with time I am getting closer to Peter Keating’s personality.
Ans: As long as you realize that consciously you will still have Howard Roark in you. Roark is idealistic and Keating is practical. It’s the guilt that Keating feels which makes him lesser than Roark. In the absence of guilt Keating would be as good as Roark in the real world.
6. You said there’s nothing to understand in a woman’s mind. Yet you admire Ayn Rand.
Ans: Hello, I said that in a sexual context. Ayn Rand is a mind thing. I would admire her even if she was a eunuch.
7. It’s amazing how easy it is to unite people through a common hate than through common love.
Ans: Yeah! That’s because hate is fun whereas love is work.
8. An example of programming fuck ups is how fans adulate stars. Even if the star’s film fails they can’t accept it.
Ans: That’s because those types of fans start having an identity in belonging to that star and the star belonging to them. Hence the star’s failure they will take it as their failure.
9. Indian’s hate Pakistani’s because of what Pakistan is doing to us and not because of programming.
Ans: I hate you not because of what you are saying but because you are incapable of deprogramming.
10. Is this blog meant for cinema or fucking philosophy?
Ans: It’s mostly meant for morons like you who have nothing better to say.
11. Why did you name your blog rgvzoomin?
Ans: Because in here I zoom in to the truth. Truth such as what I want you to believe in even though it’s a lie.
12. Doers like you will not reach the stage of Socrates. Thinkers will reach there sometimes.
Ans: And talkers like you will at most reach this blog.
13. Why is hate such a strong emotion that it makes people even forget the help done to them?
Ans: Because selfishness is a much stronger emotion.
14. The logic behind life is… to be programmed.
Ans: The programme behind life… should be to be logical.
P.S: This applies only to intellectuals like me and not to low IQ’s like you… see you in the next birth. Bye.
15. I think you are mass hypnotizing youth to become confused donkeys.
Ans: Grrreatt. That’s my objective so that the confused donkeys will have atleast a path to trot forward from their confusion compared to tree stumps like you who will stay put for the rest of their deaths.
16. Humans should remain humans and not some supernatural emotionless beings.
Ans: Humans should always strive to become God. Otherwise there is no purpose of remaining
17. Unfortunately no pretty chicks in my office to stare at. Hence I keep coming to this blog.
Ans: If you mean that my blog is the next best thing to sex I am honoured.
18. It’s impossible for a Howard Roark to exist in the real world. Then how come so many people want to be like him?
Ans: Because we live to aspire and in the process we might reach somewhere halfway, quarterway… etc.
19. You are the man who can make 2=5 and 5=2.
Ans: Well. You can do it too if you are smart and strong enough to give your own values to 2 and 5 and also keep changing those values according to situation.
20. Can you say something on decision making?
Ans: If you have identified your goal and do really want to reach it you should start running immediately and be ready to fall or go out of breath or suffer pain in your legs and atleast you would reach somewhere. But what you definitely should not do is ponder over what if you fall, what if you go out of breath or what if you suffer pain in your legs as then you will reach nowhere.
21. You don’t care about us but we care about you.
Ans: Many care about knowing a snake. The snake does not care about knowing many.
22. If you lust your wife’s friend how is it truthful?
Ans: I was talking about the feeling of lust in general and not in a context. Of course in the context you mentioned, if the wife’s friend is more sexier as perceived by your honest mind it will trigger a honest physical response in your body which you can control with a dishonest action of turning away and make honest physical love to your own wife and let your honest mind imagine her to be her friend.
23. Is the best way to live like a spider who keeps building its web no matter how many times it’s destroyed till one day death smacks it down?
Ans: That’s the only choice anybody has. Both death and life anyway come from behind and we
should only build forward.
24. Are you a good boy or a bad boy?
Ans: Better than good and worse than bad.
25. I never thought I will find an idealistic character like Howard Roark in real life till I found you.
Ans: Hello, I am as far from Howard Roark as Aag is from Sholay. Either you didn’t get Fountainhead or didn’t get me. Either way it’s bad for both Roark and me.
26. Are you an atheist or agnostic?
Ans: I am a Ramuist and Ramnostic.
27. You use all the isms as a means to reach your end, rather than allowing isms to use you as a means to reach there end.
Ans: Perfect. I thank everyone from the German philosopher Nietzsche to the Vijayawada philosopher Satyendra for finally making atleast one guy on this blog get the point of what I was trying to say all this time.
Thanks a Million tons.
Ans: Arrey Bhagwan! The point of that article was not about Obama’s character or America’s politics both of which I am completely ignorant of. It was about how the media can take us on a ride and how we also want to go for a ride.
2. Even if one person changes/deprogrammes himself because of this blog it would be worth it.
Ans: Once I asked Satyendra why libraries waste so much money buying so many loads of books which nobody reads. He gave me the same answer saying, “even if one person in decades reads one of those ‘nobody reads’ books and makes something out of it, it is still worthy enough for lesser people like us to contribute towards that person’s output.
3. Why do you think there is no brilliance in Indian cinema?
Ans: Just pick up any what you think to be a great Indian film and compare it to its source.
4. I like it that you live life only on your terms. Keep walking.
Ans: I prefer running.
5. I am affected with Howard Roark but with time I am getting closer to Peter Keating’s personality.
Ans: As long as you realize that consciously you will still have Howard Roark in you. Roark is idealistic and Keating is practical. It’s the guilt that Keating feels which makes him lesser than Roark. In the absence of guilt Keating would be as good as Roark in the real world.
6. You said there’s nothing to understand in a woman’s mind. Yet you admire Ayn Rand.
Ans: Hello, I said that in a sexual context. Ayn Rand is a mind thing. I would admire her even if she was a eunuch.
7. It’s amazing how easy it is to unite people through a common hate than through common love.
Ans: Yeah! That’s because hate is fun whereas love is work.
8. An example of programming fuck ups is how fans adulate stars. Even if the star’s film fails they can’t accept it.
Ans: That’s because those types of fans start having an identity in belonging to that star and the star belonging to them. Hence the star’s failure they will take it as their failure.
9. Indian’s hate Pakistani’s because of what Pakistan is doing to us and not because of programming.
Ans: I hate you not because of what you are saying but because you are incapable of deprogramming.
10. Is this blog meant for cinema or fucking philosophy?
Ans: It’s mostly meant for morons like you who have nothing better to say.
11. Why did you name your blog rgvzoomin?
Ans: Because in here I zoom in to the truth. Truth such as what I want you to believe in even though it’s a lie.
12. Doers like you will not reach the stage of Socrates. Thinkers will reach there sometimes.
Ans: And talkers like you will at most reach this blog.
13. Why is hate such a strong emotion that it makes people even forget the help done to them?
Ans: Because selfishness is a much stronger emotion.
14. The logic behind life is… to be programmed.
Ans: The programme behind life… should be to be logical.
P.S: This applies only to intellectuals like me and not to low IQ’s like you… see you in the next birth. Bye.
15. I think you are mass hypnotizing youth to become confused donkeys.
Ans: Grrreatt. That’s my objective so that the confused donkeys will have atleast a path to trot forward from their confusion compared to tree stumps like you who will stay put for the rest of their deaths.
16. Humans should remain humans and not some supernatural emotionless beings.
Ans: Humans should always strive to become God. Otherwise there is no purpose of remaining
17. Unfortunately no pretty chicks in my office to stare at. Hence I keep coming to this blog.
Ans: If you mean that my blog is the next best thing to sex I am honoured.
18. It’s impossible for a Howard Roark to exist in the real world. Then how come so many people want to be like him?
Ans: Because we live to aspire and in the process we might reach somewhere halfway, quarterway… etc.
19. You are the man who can make 2=5 and 5=2.
Ans: Well. You can do it too if you are smart and strong enough to give your own values to 2 and 5 and also keep changing those values according to situation.
20. Can you say something on decision making?
Ans: If you have identified your goal and do really want to reach it you should start running immediately and be ready to fall or go out of breath or suffer pain in your legs and atleast you would reach somewhere. But what you definitely should not do is ponder over what if you fall, what if you go out of breath or what if you suffer pain in your legs as then you will reach nowhere.
21. You don’t care about us but we care about you.
Ans: Many care about knowing a snake. The snake does not care about knowing many.
22. If you lust your wife’s friend how is it truthful?
Ans: I was talking about the feeling of lust in general and not in a context. Of course in the context you mentioned, if the wife’s friend is more sexier as perceived by your honest mind it will trigger a honest physical response in your body which you can control with a dishonest action of turning away and make honest physical love to your own wife and let your honest mind imagine her to be her friend.
23. Is the best way to live like a spider who keeps building its web no matter how many times it’s destroyed till one day death smacks it down?
Ans: That’s the only choice anybody has. Both death and life anyway come from behind and we
should only build forward.
24. Are you a good boy or a bad boy?
Ans: Better than good and worse than bad.
25. I never thought I will find an idealistic character like Howard Roark in real life till I found you.
Ans: Hello, I am as far from Howard Roark as Aag is from Sholay. Either you didn’t get Fountainhead or didn’t get me. Either way it’s bad for both Roark and me.
26. Are you an atheist or agnostic?
Ans: I am a Ramuist and Ramnostic.
27. You use all the isms as a means to reach your end, rather than allowing isms to use you as a means to reach there end.
Ans: Perfect. I thank everyone from the German philosopher Nietzsche to the Vijayawada philosopher Satyendra for finally making atleast one guy on this blog get the point of what I was trying to say all this time.
Thanks a Million tons.