1.Even after 20 years you are eating on “SHIVA”.
Ans: No. I am eating on the great films made much before “SHIVA”, films from which I could learn how to make “SHIVA”.
2. Hope AGYAAT brought you down to ground?
Ans: Actually it got me underground. But since I am like a snake I am comfortable here too.
3. I suspect that you have a narcissistic personality disorder.
Ans: Whatever it is it sounds yummy man!
4. You use women as masturbating devices. You are scared of intimacy. You can never have an intimate relationship.
Ans: Are you a woman? If so why don’t you just come over and check me out. If not you should come over and check out with my women.
5. You should visit a psychotherapist.
Ans: I did and after attempting to treat me he became a psychopath.
6. I hope I am wrong but I think you will be a lonely old man.
Ans: You are bang on Right with just one correction. I will die a super happy lonely old man.
7. Do you think you did justice to your name?
Ans: I don’t know about that but my father did justice to me by giving me that name. Just imagine if he named me some P.Subba Raju or something like that.
A P.Subba Raju Film
8. Why don’t you just make only one great film a year?
Ans: Why don’t you just give your great opinions only to people who will listen to you.
9. Since you are making your film RAKTA CHARITRA on factions, remember that it is a caste war between Kamma and Reddy.
Ans: Thank you for your valuable inputs, Sir.
10. Why did you marry?
Ans: For the same reason most do. An uncontrollable seizure of a disease called dumbness.
11. “When did ever a dragon die of a serpent’s poison?”
Ans: That was a great reference of Nietzsche you gave, Vishal.
12. You should speak at a philosophy forum.
Ans: Mannar, I truly believe that no one really listens to anybody as they find it too taxing for whatever little brains they have. At best they will decide to just follow somebody, that too for want of doing something or the other.
In the last 30 years I have met hundreds who claim to have read Ayn Rand and have seen thousands of her books on every street corner book stand but have yet to meet one single man who actually understood her philosophy and practiced it.
Speeches can’t teach logic and analysis. They can at best arouse emotions which explain why radicals are the best orators, like Hitler etc.
13. You said ‘Marriage is as avoidable as doing business in partnership”. Yet you did partnership with K Sera Sera.
Ans: I married, I partnered and hence the wisdom, brother.
14. I think you give interviews and write your blogs just to show off.
Ans: Of course, yes! You thought I was making all this effort to enlighten unenlightenable souls like you or what?
15. It is believed that Einstein is the most intelligent man that ever was. Do you agree?
Ans: Since I was bad at science I don’t know what Einstein did and hence he does not exist in my world. For me it’s a toss between Satyendra and Ayn Rand. (Refer to my article “MY WORLD”)
16. If the whole world is a stage where is the audience sitting?
Ans: With God.
17. We don’t pay to get in to the shop that sells shirts but we pay to enter the movie theatre.
Ans: Dumbo, the product is the shirt and not the shop. If you want a critic to hang over you telling you which shirt to take and what colour to buy please go ahead with all my best wishes.
18. I think you are a kind of an abnormal filmmaker.
Ans: Oh My! Somebody just woke up. Good Morning Baby!
19. I wish I can be like you.
Ans: I don’t know what you mean by that. But if you mean as in frank, without fear, confident and just daring to do whatever and being ready to bear the consequences, beware that the same me will be described as rude, stupid, overconfident and non-caring etc by others.
So the ‘others’ is the key point here. The decision to be one self is completely related to and dependant upon standards and expectations set by others.
Many of us just tie ourselves to a yoke and then we keep going in circles trying to break free from the pain the rope causes not realizing that all you have to do is to take the rope off the yoke and after that the whole world will be yours or more correctly you will be the world.
Ans: No. I am eating on the great films made much before “SHIVA”, films from which I could learn how to make “SHIVA”.
2. Hope AGYAAT brought you down to ground?
Ans: Actually it got me underground. But since I am like a snake I am comfortable here too.
3. I suspect that you have a narcissistic personality disorder.
Ans: Whatever it is it sounds yummy man!
4. You use women as masturbating devices. You are scared of intimacy. You can never have an intimate relationship.
Ans: Are you a woman? If so why don’t you just come over and check me out. If not you should come over and check out with my women.
5. You should visit a psychotherapist.
Ans: I did and after attempting to treat me he became a psychopath.
6. I hope I am wrong but I think you will be a lonely old man.
Ans: You are bang on Right with just one correction. I will die a super happy lonely old man.
7. Do you think you did justice to your name?
Ans: I don’t know about that but my father did justice to me by giving me that name. Just imagine if he named me some P.Subba Raju or something like that.
A P.Subba Raju Film
8. Why don’t you just make only one great film a year?
Ans: Why don’t you just give your great opinions only to people who will listen to you.
9. Since you are making your film RAKTA CHARITRA on factions, remember that it is a caste war between Kamma and Reddy.
Ans: Thank you for your valuable inputs, Sir.
10. Why did you marry?
Ans: For the same reason most do. An uncontrollable seizure of a disease called dumbness.
11. “When did ever a dragon die of a serpent’s poison?”
Ans: That was a great reference of Nietzsche you gave, Vishal.
12. You should speak at a philosophy forum.
Ans: Mannar, I truly believe that no one really listens to anybody as they find it too taxing for whatever little brains they have. At best they will decide to just follow somebody, that too for want of doing something or the other.
In the last 30 years I have met hundreds who claim to have read Ayn Rand and have seen thousands of her books on every street corner book stand but have yet to meet one single man who actually understood her philosophy and practiced it.
Speeches can’t teach logic and analysis. They can at best arouse emotions which explain why radicals are the best orators, like Hitler etc.
13. You said ‘Marriage is as avoidable as doing business in partnership”. Yet you did partnership with K Sera Sera.
Ans: I married, I partnered and hence the wisdom, brother.
14. I think you give interviews and write your blogs just to show off.
Ans: Of course, yes! You thought I was making all this effort to enlighten unenlightenable souls like you or what?
15. It is believed that Einstein is the most intelligent man that ever was. Do you agree?
Ans: Since I was bad at science I don’t know what Einstein did and hence he does not exist in my world. For me it’s a toss between Satyendra and Ayn Rand. (Refer to my article “MY WORLD”)
16. If the whole world is a stage where is the audience sitting?
Ans: With God.
17. We don’t pay to get in to the shop that sells shirts but we pay to enter the movie theatre.
Ans: Dumbo, the product is the shirt and not the shop. If you want a critic to hang over you telling you which shirt to take and what colour to buy please go ahead with all my best wishes.
18. I think you are a kind of an abnormal filmmaker.
Ans: Oh My! Somebody just woke up. Good Morning Baby!
19. I wish I can be like you.
Ans: I don’t know what you mean by that. But if you mean as in frank, without fear, confident and just daring to do whatever and being ready to bear the consequences, beware that the same me will be described as rude, stupid, overconfident and non-caring etc by others.
So the ‘others’ is the key point here. The decision to be one self is completely related to and dependant upon standards and expectations set by others.
Many of us just tie ourselves to a yoke and then we keep going in circles trying to break free from the pain the rope causes not realizing that all you have to do is to take the rope off the yoke and after that the whole world will be yours or more correctly you will be the world.